Friedery Réka

Friedery Réka
CV letöltése Tudományos munkatárs (TK JTI)
  • Osztály: Európai Uniós Jogi és Nemzetközi Jogi Osztály
  • Tudományos cím vagy fokozat: PhD
  • Szervezési felelősségi körök: a Jogtudományi alapkutatások: a TK JTI elektronikus monográfiasorozata szerkesztője
  • E-mail:
  • Telefonszám: +36/1/224-6700 / 5107
  • Épület: HTK (Emelet, szobaszám: T.0.13.)
  • Publikációk (MTMT)
Kutatási területek
  • Alapvető jogok
  • EU-kormányzat
  • Uniós polgárság
  • Menekültpolitika
Kiemelt publikációk
  • Lukasz Gruszczyński, Réka Friedery: The Populist Challenge of Common EU Policies: The Case of (Im)migration (2015-2018), POLISH YEARBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 42 : 1 pp. 221-244. (2023)
  • Hardening Borders during the pandemic in the European Union:The Shape of the Schengen Borders Code and the EU Digital COVIDCertificate, Quarterly on Refugee Problems-AWR BULLETIN (QPR) 61:1 pp. 71-84. (2022)
  • A szabad mozgás tagállamok közötti korlátozásának kérdései a COVID-19 idején. In: Gárdos-Orosz, Fruzsina; Lőrincz, Viktor Olivér (eds.) Jogi diagnózisok: a COVID-19-világjárvány hatásai a jogrendszerre, Bp, Hungary : L'Harmattan (Budapest); L'Harmattan Publishing, Társadalomtudományi Kutatóközpont Jogtudományi Intézet (2020) pp. 261-271.
  •  Az európai ombudsman, Bp, Hungary: MTA Társadalomtudományi Kutatóközpont (2018) 180 p.
  • Good administration through the lens of the CJEU: direction for the administrative bodies. BRATISLAVA LAW REVIEW 2018:1 pp. 116-122. (2018)
  • Friedery Réka, Fabio Marcelli: The Right to Family Reunification in European Union Law and the CJEU Jurisprudence. In: Réka, Friedery; Luigino, Manca; Ralf, Rosskopf (eds.) Family Reunification: International, European and National Perspectives. Berlin, Germany: BWV Verlag (2017) pp. 49-80.
  • Migráció és integráció: a német modell, ACTA HUMANA: HUNGARIAN CENTRE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS PUBLICATIONS 4 : 4 pp. 23-32. (2016)
  • Insight into a special relation: the European Parliament and the European Ombudsman. Acta Juridica Hungarica, Vol.52. 2011. No.1. 115-125 p., ACTA JURIDICA HUNGARICA 52:1 pp. 115-125. (2011)
  • The role of the European ombudsman in dispute solving. ACTA JURIDICA HUNGARICA 49: 4 pp. 359-376. (2008)
  • Az Európai Ombudsman mint vitarendező fórum, ÁLLAM- ÉS JOGTUDOMÁNY 47:2 pp. 291-316. (2006)
  • “Shelter law-making. Legal response to massive migration caused by Russian aggression against Ukraine”, Visegrad Fund Project (No. 22320067), 2023-
  • "The responsiveness of the legal system in post-COVID societies: risks and opportunities”, Hungarian Academy of Sciences project (No. 05016764), 2023-
  • “International Migrations, State, Sovereignty and Human Rights: open legal issues/Migrazioni internazionali, Stato, sovranità, diritti umani: questioni giuridiche aperte”, Università di Salerno –Progetto PRIN 2017 MIUR, 2023
  • “Artificial Intelligence National Laboratory Program”-MILAB, 2021-
  • “Epidemiology and Law”, Institue for Legal Studies, Centre for Social Sciences, 2020-2023
  • “Corruzione e Diritti Umani”, La Sapenzia University Rome, 2019
  • DEMOS-H2020, Democratic Efficacy and the Varieties of Populism in Europe, Centre for Social Sciences, 2019-2020,
  • “Family reunification”, AWR – Association for the Study of World Refugee Problem, 2016-2017
  • “The appearance of soft law during the European Ombudsman’s Procedure”, Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2015-2018
  • “Application of Competition Law in the Visegrad Countries”, Visegrad Fund Project (No. 21420415), 2015
  • “Comparative analyses of the federal markets”, MTA Federal Markets “Momentum” Research Group, 2015-2016
  • ” Unaccompanied minors”, AWR- Association for the Study of World Refugee Problem, 2015
  • Human Rights Encyclopaedia (HU), HAS Centre for Social Sciences Institute for Legal Studies, 2012
  • Legal Encyclopaedia (HU), HAS Institute for Legal Studies 2010
  • “The Impact of the Treaty of Lisbon on the Hungarian Legal Order”, OTKA-76488, HAS Institute for Legal Studies, 2009-2012
  • “The effects of the EU accession to the Hungarian Legal Order and Administration”, NKFP6-00075/2005, 2007-2011
  • “Potential role for Hungary in the East, Central and South East European Regional Development” commissioned by the Office for National Development, Centre for Regional Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2006
  • “Possibilities in the Hungarian legal order regarding expedited judicial review procedure in competition matters” commissioned by the Hungarian Competition Authority, HAS Institute for Legal Studies 2005