Litigating change: training lawyers on the EU rule of law acquis - Civic participation in upholding the rule of law in the European Union

   2024. május 23. 9:20 - 2024. május 24. 16:40

Litigating change: training lawyers on the EU rule of law acquis


Civic participation in upholding the rule of law in the European Union


23-24 May 2024



Ez a képzés a jogállamisággal kapcsolatos emberi jogi ismereteket ad át, elsősorban ügyvédeknek és civil jogvédőknek. A képzés olyan innovatív módszertant alkalmaz, amely túlmutat a puszta ismeretátadáson, és várhatóan képessé teszi a képzés résztvevőit, hogy saját országukban hatékony jogi képviseletet láthassanak el jogállamiságot felvető problémák kapcsán. A képzés az uniós jogállamisági vívmányokról, beleértve az EUB és az EJEB legújabb ítélkezési gyakorlatát, valamint a perlési technikákról szól.

Trénerek: Orbán Endre és Hajdu Gábor

A kétnapos tréning a Magyar Ügyvédi Kamara által nyilvántartásba vett képzés, a résztvevőknek mindkét nap teljesítése estén 12 kreditpont számolható el.

A képzés angol nyelven magyar szinkrontolmácsolással zajlik.

A program online kerül megrendezésre zoomon. A linket a regisztrált résztvevőknek küldjük el emailben. Jelentkezésüket kérjuk a email címre küldjék.


23 May, Thursday

9:20-9:30 Welcome and introduction

Introductory remarks on the LighT project and on the topic.

9:30-11:00 Session 1 - Meaning and scope of the rule of law in EU law

Session 1 provides a general overview of the meaning and scope of the rule of law - enshrined in Article 2 TEU - in EU law.

11:00-11:10 Break

11:10-12:40 Session 2 - What is in it? The EU’s rule of law toolbox

Session 2 explores the evolution and current state of the EU’s rule of law toolbox, explaining the advantages as disadvantages of each. Session 2 takes a special look on the judicial procedures in front of the Court of Justice of the European Union.

12:40-13:30 Break

13:30-15:00 Session 3 - Protecting fundamental rights under EU law

Session 3 presents shortly the evolution of the protection of fundamental rights in EU law. The session explains the role of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and its significance in litigation.

15:00-15:10 Break

15:10-16:40 Session 4 - The rule of law standards and the Charter as a tool for litigation - practical insights

As a follow-up of the previous one, Session 4 concentrates on concrete cases in which the EU rule of law standards or the Charter played a role. Based on the case-studies, possible litigation strategies are to be presented by practitioners who have been involved in such cases. Roundtable discussion

24 May, Friday

9:30-11:00 Session 5 - Safeguarding the rule of law in the EU and the civic space

This session elaborates with invited experts on the activities of civil society organizations in terms of safeguarding EU rule of law. Also, it is to be investigated what protection these actors may seek in EU law.

11:00-11:10 Break

11:10-12:40 Session 6 - New ways to endeavour

Most recently, new tools have been introduced and will be introduced by the EU impacting the protection of its foundational values. The session explores with invited experts the logic of the financial conditionality technique, the promises of the Media Freedom Act and the SLAPP Directive.

12:40-13:30 Break

13:30-15:00 Session 7 - Interactive session on rule of law issues in the field

In break out rooms and in an interactive plenary discussion this session aims to identify concrete rule of law issues with the participants have met in their practice. Based on the earlier ones, the session shall identify possible solutions.

15:00-15:10 Break

15:10-16:40 Session 8 - Build up your rule of law case

The closing session summarizes the discussed materials and provides the participants with practical knowledge on how to identify challenges to EU values enshrined in Article 2 TEU, narrowly, to the rule of law. The session introduces the use of various sources for litigation materials by way of solving a fictive case in small groups.