Vendégelőadás - Paolo Carozza: Freedom of Expression and other Human Rights in the Regulation (and Self-Regulation) of Social Media

   2024. június 12. 14:00 - 2024. június 12. 16:00

Prof. Paolo G. Carozza is giving his lecture in the framework of the invitation of the Research Institute for Politics and Government of the Eötvös József Research Center, in collaboration with the Institute of Philosophy and the Institute of Legal Sciences (HUN-REN). On this occasion he will talk about "Freedom of Expression and other Human Rights in the Regulation (and Self-Regulation) of Social Media”. Prof Carozza (University of Notre Dame, USA) will focus on the significance of the Meta Oversight Board as singular experiment in self-governance and private ordering of tech companies, and on its legitimacy in relationship to democratic lawmaking. 

Felkért hozzászólók: Polyák Gábor (tudományos főmunkatárs, TK JTI); Török Bernát (intézetvezető, NKE ITKI)

Időpont: 2024. június 12. 14.00

Helyszín: Humán Tudományok Kutatóháza JTI Tanácsterem, 1097 Budapest, Tóth Kálmán utca 4., T.0.25. (T épületszárny fszt. 25.)