Műhelyvita: Andras L. Pap – Nóra Chronowski – Zoltán Nemessányi: Solidarity in the lack of implementation of the UNGP: Businesses in crisis management in Hungary before and during the war on Ukraine

   2022. november 3. 10:00 - 2022. november 3. 12:00

Since the start of the Russian invasion and full-scale war on 24 February 2022 against Ukraine, vast number of fleeing people crossed Hungary's border. In this article, the authors look specifically at the refugee crisis in Ukraine from a business and human rights perspective. The research question is the scope for businesses to engage in crisis management in the Hungarian illiberal constitutional environment and directed economy. They also seek to answer to what extent this may be influenced by the BHR UNGP framework, or whether it is more a matter of voluntary and solidarity-based decisions by stakeholders. For that purpose, the authors begin by providing overview of the Hungarian hybrid illiberal regime from a business and human rights perspective, describe the constitutional environment and the directed economy in the hybrid illiberal regime. Establishing a nuanced typology for ‘business’ in the directed and government-controlled economy, the subsequent assessment focuses on corporate reactions to the 2022 economic and Ukrainian refugee crisis, with examples of solidarity actions of SMEs.

Opponensek: Halász Bálint, Hungler Sára

Időpont: 2022. november 3. 10:00

Helyszín: TK JTI tanácsterem; az esemény hibrid formában kerül megrendezésre. Link a csatlakozáshoz: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3a9bc67b8ba0b74d038a496fd05bd8c73d%40thread.tacv2/1666895482005?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22dfdc0203-79f4-4b7a-b4f3-caca1106f02f%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22af7f5a56-ad68-4921-abaa-b3e2358ad6de%22%7d

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