Műhelyvita - Hajdu Gábor: "EU, SPS and Brexit: comparing SPS chapters in the CETA and the EU-UK TCA"

   2022. november 10. 10:00 - 2022. november 10. 14:00

The so-called sanitary and phytosanitary measures have always been a thorny issue in trade negotiations. The core WTO SPS Agreement provides countries with a general framework, but some seek a deeper cooperation in their trade agreements. Such was with the EU and two recent trade agreements it signed: the CETA (with Canada) and the EU-UK TCA (with the UK). This short study is based on a principal hypothesis: that given the UK’s previous status as an EU member state, the EU and the UK would work more closely together on harmonizing SPS rules compared to the EU and Canada. To determine the hypothesis’ veracity, it aims to compare and contrast the SPS chapters in the CETA and the EU-UK TCA, with some contextualization from the core WTO SPS Agreement.

Opponensek:  Horváthy Balázs (tudományos munkatárs, TK JTI), Víg Zoltán (adjunktus, SZTE ÁJTK)

dőpont: 2022. november 10. 10:00

Helyszín: TK JTI tanácsterem; az esemény hibrid formában kerül megrendezésre. Link a csatlakozáshoz: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3a9bc67b8ba0b74d038a496fd05bd8c73d%40thread.tacv2/1666896559499?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22dfdc0203-79f4-4b7a-b4f3-caca1106f02f%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22af7f5a56-ad68-4921-abaa-b3e2358ad6de%22%7d

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