Műhelyvita - Váradi Ágnes: "Applying the concept of access to justice in emergency situations: a question of theory and practice in the field of civil procedural law"

   2022. október 11. 10:00 - 2022. október 11. 12:00

“Access to justice is a fundamental pillar of western legal culture. (…) [T]he right to effective legal protection is one of the general principles of Community law, in accordance with which access to justice is organised.” This quotation from an opinion by Advocate General Ruiz-Jarabo Colomer shows that the institutions promoting an efficient access to justice play a crucial role in the legal system. They ensure the protection of rights of individuals and interests of business actors through a fair settlement of alleged injustice or violation of rights irrespective of the financial situation or legal knowledge of the parties. Therefore, these instruments promote the maintenance of trust in social and economic relations. Due to the pandemic, the question of crisis-resilient solutions in the field of justice system has entered into centre of attention, both at the level of legal solutions and political discourse. The current paper aims to give an overview on the question, how the general framework of access to justice, elaborated in theory and in the case-law, applied during the pandemic, and how international and European standards, recommendations and practices promoted an efficient access to justice. This systematic overview identifying the cornerstones of an efficient access to justice and analysing their adaptability in emergency situations can give a new impulse to the scientific assessment of the institution thus contributing to its resilience and efficiency.

Opponens: Prof. Dr. Wopera Zsuzsa, tanszékvezető egyetemi tanár, ME ÁJK.

Időpont: 2022. október 11., 10:00

Helyszín: A rendezvény hibrid formában kerül megtartásra. Link a csatlakozáshoz: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3a9bc67b8ba0b74d038a496fd05bd8c73d%40thread.tacv2/1664962713668?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22dfdc0203-79f4-4b7a-b4f3-caca1106f02f%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22af7f5a56-ad68-4921-abaa-b3e2358ad6de%22%7d

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