Műhelyvita - Gábor Polyák – Klára Szalay: "Institutionalising the Digital Services Coordinator: Policy Options in the Hungarian context"

   2022. március 24. 9:00 - 2022. március 24. 11:00

"The new, coordinated governance system proposed by the draft Digital Services Act (DSA) foresees national contact points, also called the Digital Services Coordinators (DSC). How Member States incorporate the tasks of the DSCs institutionally is crucial for the effectiveness of enforcement of the DSA, and its foreseen future standard setting activities. It is possible that DSCs issue decisions crucial to freedom of expression. Therefore, this article examines the current institutional landscape for hosting the DSC in the Member States and, weighs arguments in the quest for finding the best institutional guarantor in this respect with particular reference to the Hungarian institutional setting."

Opponensek: Gosztonyi Gergely (ELTE ÁJK) és Körtvélyesi Zsolt (TK JTI).

A rendezvény hibrid formában kerül megszervezésre. Részvételi szándékát kérjük jelezze Hungler Sárának.