The European Social Model (ESM) involves among other things: fundamental social rights, social protection and social dialogue. The neoliberal path chosen by Europe combined with the financial crisis led to the introduction of austerity measures that endanger key elements of that model. Europe and its Member States have common and national mechanisms to ensure the continuity of the European Social Model even when it is threatened by international financial conditions or the political choices of its rulers. Due to the dynamics within the Member State to build market economies and simultaneously preserve their social cohesion, three types of capitalisms emerged in the Central-East European (CEE) societies: an embedded neoliberal type in the Visegrád states, a neoliberal type in the Baltic states, and a neocorporatist type in Slovenia. This typology is based on the assumption that basic institutions of capitalism are linked to strong institutional complementaries, and one of the distinctive characteristics of the Visegrad states has been their generous welfare system. However, the populist turn after the economic crisis marked a new model for the welfare state, characterised by social disinvestment, which is a potential threat to the ESM. I argue that EU social law, re-framed by the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR) has no perceivable effect on expanding, reconfiguring, and reallocating public spending, or on redistributing public resources; thus, the degree to which social investments were cut back largely depends on the nature of populism reigns in the Visegrad countries.
- Időpont: 2020. szeptember 10., 10:00
- Helyszín: Online került megtartásra
- Nyelv: magyar
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