Csaba Győry & Nyasha Weinberg: "Emergency Powers in a Hybrid Regime. The Case of Hungary"

   2020. május 26. 14:00 - 2020. május 26. 16:00

Csaba Győry, Nyasha Weinberg: "Emergency Powers in a Hybrid Regime. The Case of Hungary"

"How should we understand the Hungarian government’s activities since the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis? This article reviews Hungary’s emergency law, and the decrees passed under the emergency authorization to date, to ask how Hungary’s actions in recent months should be understood. The Authorization Act grants the executive unlimited, though revocable, authorisation to rule by decree without temporal, jurisdictional or other legal restrictions, aside from those limits enshrined in the constitution protecting certain basic rights. Yet the government’s use of its powers under the act has, so far, been limited. As the chapter demonstrates, bringing in insights form political theory to inform constitutional law approaches to legislative practice can help shed some light on the enigma of Hungary’s apparent legislative ‘restraint’."

Győry Csaba tudományos segédmunkatárs előadása.

  • Időpont: 2020. május 26., 14:00
  • Helyszín: Online került megtartásra.
  • Nyelv: angol/magyar

Kérjük, részvételi szándékát előzetesen jelezze Hungler Sárának.