The Continuity and Discontinuity of Statehood and Constitutional Law in Central Europe

   2017. szeptember 26. 9:00 - 2017. szeptember 26. 12:00

International Conference


National University of Public Service, Faculty of Science of Public Governance and Administration, Institute of Constitutional Law


Charles University of Prague, Faculty of Law, Department of Legal History
HAS Centre for Social Sciences – Institute for Legal Studies, Research Group of Comparative Constitutional Law


Time: 26th September 2017, 9. a.m.

Venue: NKE ÁKK, 1083 Budapest Üllői út. 82.

O. Building, 5th floor, Small Conference Room

Language: English



9.00 Opening of the Conference

Prof. Dr. Norbert Kis PhD, Dean, Faculty of Science of Public Governance and Administration NUPS

9.10 First Session

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Iván Halász PhD, NUPS Faculty of Science of Public Governance and Administration, Institute of Constitutional Law –  Hungarian Academy of Sciences, CSS - Institute for Legal Studies

9. 10 The continuity and discontinuity of the interwar and postwar Czechoslovakia

Prof. JUDr. Jan Kuklík DSc., Dean, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Law)

9.30 The proclamation of the Hungarian Republic in 1946

Dr. habil. Gábor Schweitzer PhD, NUPS Faculty of Science of Public Governance and Administration, Institute of Constitutional Law –  Hungarian Academy of Sciences, CSS - Institute for Legal Studies

9.50 Monarchy, republic or both? Polish constitutional (dis)continuity1917-2017

Dr. habil. Marcin Wiszowaty PhD, University of Gdańsk,  Faculty of Law and Administration, Department of Constitutional Law and Political Institutions

10.10 Discussion

10.30 Coffee Break

10.50 Second Session

 Chairman: Prof. JUDr. Jan Kuklík DSc., Dean, Charles University, Faculty of Law, Prague

 10.50 The heritage of the League of Nations´ minority protection system

Doc. Dr. habil. Harald Scheu PhD, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Law, Department of European Law

11.10 The continuity and discontinuity of the Austro-Hungarian and Czechoslovak solution of minority issue

JUDr. René Petráš PhD, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Law, Institute of Legal History

11.30 The continuity and discontinuity in the current Hungarian constitutional regime

Dr. Gárdos-Orosz Fruzsina PhD, associate professor – National University of Public Service, Faculty of Science of Public Governance and Administration, Institute of Constitutional Law - research fellow, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, CSS - Institute for Legal Studies, Budapest

11.50 Discussion