Sára Hungler

Sára Hungler
Download CV Senior Research Fellow (TK JTI)
Research Interests
  • EU human rights law, the EU economic and social constitution, EU law and the national interest
Selected Publications
  • THE INTERCONNECTEDNESS OF PARTICIPATION AND SOLIDARITY – THE CASE OF HUNGARY In: Horváth István (ed.) Tisztelgés: Ünnepi tanulmányok Dr. Hágelmayer Istvánné születésnapjára. Budapest: ELTE Eötvös Kiadó, 2015. pp. 185-197.
  • Sara Hungler, Miklós Király: Hungary QUADERNI FONDAZIONE MARCO BIAGI x:(2) pp. 119-156. (2015)
  • Hungler, Sára: Restructuring of Entreprises in Hungary In: Viktor Križan et al (szerk.) Implementation and Enforcement of EU Labour Law in the Visegrad Countries. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2014. pp. 170-176.
Research Projects
  • MTA Lendület HPOPs