Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Centre for Social Sciences, Institute for Legal Studies
H-1014 Budapest, Országház utca 30., 1250 Budapest, P.O.B. 20.
Tel.: +36 (1) 355 73 84, Fax: +36 (1) 375 78 58
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I. Main duties of the research unit in 2011
The main public task of the Institute for Legal Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences is to carry out basic research work in legal sciences and to assist State organs in their legislative and law enforcement activities.
In 2011 the contribution of the researchers to the legislative activities of governmental agencies was significant. In this context it is worth mentioning that the members of the institute were very active in the elaboration of the scientific background of the new Civil Code and Criminal Code. The new Basic Law was the subject of several conferences, the researchers have published articles on the Basic Law and the fundamental laws connected to the Basic Law. The commentaries to different acts written by the researchers have assisted the law enforcement activities of different organizations and practitioners.
The results of the basic research activities of the members of the institute have been published in more than 200 articles and books.
As a third task of the institute it should be mentioned the preparation of collective works, it is well to note that in the compilation of a human rights encyclopedia considerable progress have been achieved and some 450 pages have been written so far.
II Outstanding research and other results in 2011
a) Outstanding research and other results
- The first group of research endeavors focused on the new constitution and the fundamental laws adopted in the year under review. Special attention was paid to the adoption of the new Basic Law, its preamble, the protection of fundamental rights, the constitutional design and the separation of powers. As a more general issue, questions concerning trends in Central East European constitutional theory and institutional development were scrutinized along with the concept of constitution and its primacy over regular law. Special attention was paid to the new act on legal status of churches, focusing on registration and State neutrality most of all.
The second group of research focused on migration and citizenship. A comprehensive monograph, which included domestic and international legal analysis, was published on the political integration of migrants. Following legislative amendments on Hungarian citizenship law, an assessment of international practices for preferential naturalization of ethnic kins was carried out.
The group of research endeavors dealt with human rights. The preparation of the Encyclopedia of Human Rights continued, some 450 pages have been written so far. Other research projects concentrated on the relationship between the European Ombudsman and the European Parliament, on the status of environmental law and right to environment as a third-generation human right, on ethnic discrimination in the criminal justice system, and on constitutional issues concerning hate crimes. A critical analysis of the Hungarian anti-discrimination framework and minority protection model continued, in addition to research concerning the question of ethnic data collection in the light of the 2011 census and the new Minority Rights Act. Several longer research projects were concluded in the year under review. For example, a PhD thesis was written and published on Drittwirkung. Two researchers concluded their Bolyai-research projects, while one received the Bolyai Medal award.
Number of contributing researchers: 7
- Comprehensive research on economic criminal law was carried on to scrutinize criminological and legal questions of economic criminal offences. Special emphasis was placed on the prevention of economic criminal offences against financial interests of the State budget as well as the refund of damages caused thereby. The leeway of legislation in contrast to new symptoms of criminality explains the utmost importance of this research and demands the revaluation of certain categories of economic crime. Several articles were published in Hungarian and English periodicals, while a new legal handbook will be released in the first part of 2012 to survey theoretical questions of the above-mentioned topic and provide effective and evident assistance for legal practitioners (judges, prosecutors, attorneys and investigators).
In 2011, a monograph was completed to summarize the research relating to trafficking in persons conducted in the previous three years. The monograph, under the title of „Trafficking in Human Beings: Punishable Cases of Exploitation and Legal Boundaries thereof“, is to be published in March 2012 (by HVG-ORAC). The monograph takes an in-depth scrutiny on statutes criminalizing trafficking in persons in the context of international treaties and other documents (such as EU joint actions, framework decisions and directives, etc.). These instruments had a practical impact on the Hungarian legislator in 1998 when trafficking in human beings was regulated as a detached offence (as well as in 2001 when its regulation had been modified). The research surveyed certain traditional and sophisticated regulations of trafficking in human beings (enacted in Austria, in Switzerland and in the United Kingdom) to provide solutions for the legal practitioners applying novelties of the pertinent Hungarian law. The research was carried out to establish the precise boundaries of human trafficking offences, bearing in mind the fact that internationally protected and constitutionally regulated human rights (e.g. right to autonomy) are not only protected but limited by criminal law.
The codification of criminal law, which has been proceeding for a decade, comes to the end. Researchers of the Institute provided recommendations for the legislation by participating in the preparation process of the new Criminal Code, attending conferences and seminars, and publishing studies as well as other publications, with special regard to trafficking in influence and sexual offences.
Number of contributing researchers: 4
- As a priority task, on the subject of codification of the new Civil Code of Hungary, the part (according to the draft: the ’book’) dealing with legal persons had been completed in the year under review. The researchers took relevant part in this preparatory project, as well. The document, consisting of a whole volume, was transmitted to the Committee of Codification and to the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice. The study of the economic constitutionalism of the public budget and financial aspects is correlated to the new Basic Law of Hungary, on this issue, a separate study had been completed.
The research of bankruptcy law is terminated with considerable scientific results. A brief study and earlier three articles have been published on this issue.
The research on the topic of arbitration focused on the matter of public order (ordre public, public policy) has been continued. Challenging an arbitration award on basis of public order is considered to be a major problem in commercial dispute resolution in the light of globalization and big business. In the year under review, the research on the matter of arbitration clauses took places, with special attention to the new guidelines, which were accepted by the IBA. Studies on this subject were already published.
In the matter of intellectual property, especially the field of intellectual property in connection with the architectural works, a monograph had been completed with a focus on inter-disciplinary approach, which is registered by a co-author of the institute. The study surveys the special elements of intellectual property, scrutinizing not only copyright but also aspects of protection of industrial property rights in connection with the special realization forms and complexity of the subject of protection are to be examined.
The research on consumer protection has continued. In the year under review, case studies were published about the following topics: obligations of fulfillments with regard to defaults (guarantee, warranty), European rules of consumer protection in e-commerce – including the contracts between persons in absentia. Several articles have been published in relation with this subject matter.
Studies have been completed about collateral in right of pledge, surety agreement and consumer credit contract. The topic about collaterals shows this point that the collateral one of the rule of our civil law, which is a legal technical simplification, however the Civil Code neither defines the term of collateral, nor details it but the rules of right of pledge refer to the collateral.
The research on medical law has continued, as well, and several publications have been completed in relation with this issue. It must be stressed the monograph about “Comparative health law”. The legal analyzing of the questions of medical ethics – subhead named – is the purpose according to the volume. The main purpose of the volume is to display of the Hungarian legal environment, furthermore ascertaining the European regulatory directions and comparing on the tested health legal areas.
Number of contributing researchers: 9
- The research activities in the year under review relating to the EU law focused on the general context of EU Law and the Hungarian law, on certain EU public law issues as well as on the impacts of EU’s legislation within the field of private and economic law.
Regarding the general context of EU Law and Hungarian law, the investigation concluded that the EU Law affected the Hungarian law essentially through two ways and as a result of that, large number of rules appear in Hungarian law, which are either norms with mostly executive character resulted by the obligation to harmonization, or complex rules implementing EU directives. Since it is exactly the accomplishment of specific legislative obligations arising from EU law by the Hungarian State, first of all, it should pay attention to the law laid down at EU level. On the other hand, the next crucial point is the implementation of EU law, therefore it shall take into consideration also the likely effects of EU law to be implemented on the inherent, conceptual structure; the content; and subsequently also the interpretation as well as applicability of the Hungarian law, which is concerned by the implementation. The publication of the paper synthesizing these scientific results is actually in progress.
The research within the field of EU public law encompassed the common principles and objectives of the EU’s external relations, their content and the probable inner conflicts between the objectives were also analysed. The solution of these conflicts could be arranged by means of the establishment of a hierarchy between the principles and objective of EU external relations. The relevant issues have been treated in a research paper. Beyond EU external relations, it was important to deal with some recent cases, and especially a preliminary ruling of the European Court of Justice, related to the traffic on the Hungarian-Ukrainian border.
Regarding EU private and commercial law, the research on the opportunities and background of the unification of private law and private international law persisted. In connection with that topic and especially the diverse, pluralistic directive law provisions, two articles were written in English, the publication is in progress. One researcher has successfully defended his PhD thesis about EU private international law, with special regard to the family law rules of the EU forming relevant parts of the common EU law (e.g. the law applicable to maintenance obligations, divorce, etc.).
Finally, in the frame of EU private law, researchers continued to examine the effect of the Lisbon Treaty and the latest reform on this subject. Rules of private international law can be adopted even if they are not related to the internal market. In addition to that, the recent scrutiny in 2011 covered also the competence structure of the common commercial policy after the Treaty of Lisbon. The publication of two papers is underway.
Number of contributing researchers: 7
- The considerable part of research on public administrational law was determined by the project focusing on the presentation of the systems of public administration within the member States of the EU. The project should have been finished in 2010 originally but, due to an unexpected event, the death of the project leader, it was necessary to prolong the investigation for the following year. During the time of prolongation, the research papers containing the scientific results were updated and prepared as synthetized final papers. A volume of studies with an extent of nearly 1000 pages was published in December 2011 by the CompLex Wolters Kluwer as the result of this three years long project. The writing and publishing of the afore-mentioned volume was a unique enterprise, as it was the first endeavor to be noted in the past two decades within the framework of OECD, which project had the aim to congregate countries with the most developed public administration, and not even within the framework of the IIAS. As a result of the publication the researchers summarized the most essential features of public administration in the member States of the EU, such as the governmental system, the central and local administration, the special organs and institutions with special significance of guarantee in the respect of the activity of public administration. This volume is going to be widely used in the education of administrative experts.
The researchers had also dealt with the staff of civil service and public administration, moreover one of our colleagues has defended his PhD thesis on the same topic. Besides the clarification of the general theoretical framework, the PhD thesis has dealt with the determining subsystems of civil service systems, such as the system of selection, promotion, remuneration and assessment, the issues of the ceasing of labor contract relationship.
Further research had also analyzed the positions of authorized decision makers in the civil service, this subject is considered to be a research within the Hungarian legal literature. It is also significant to investigate, whether decision makers are the sources of the perceptible and generally negatively appreciated feature of politicized character.
The publication entitled „International migration and public administration” is also in line with public administrational research. This monograph is currently used as a textbook in the Faculty of Public Administration at Corvinus University of Budapest and also in the Faculty of Public Administration at the National University of Public Service.
Number of contributing researchers: 4
- Research in the field of public international law continued in the year under review, and its results were published in several papers written in English or Hungarian. These papers examined, for instance, whether general principles of law constitute a source of international law, the special features of advisory proceedings of the International Court of Justice, and the theoretical aspects of one of the most heinous crimes against humanity, the crime of genocide.
Research focusing on nuclear law gained new impetus in the year 2011 in consequence of both the nuclear disaster caused by the tsunami in Japan and the developments concerning the Iranian nuclear program. Preparations to publish an edited volume discussing various fields of nuclear law are currently in progress. That volume will contain studies on the major nuclear disarmament treaties, questions of liability in nuclear law as well as miscellaneous other legal aspects of the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.
Research results in the field of international law included a doctoral dissertation on liability for environmental damage in international law that was completed in the year under review. That dissertation introduces the various layers of meaning of the concept of environmental damage, the fundamental questions of responsibility and liability, and the relevant judicial practice. Even though the 25 author’s sheets long thesis concentrates on the theoretical and practical issues of liability for environmental damage in international law, it contains an outlook on European and Hungarian law, as well. In addition, a study on the development of international treaties concerning civil law liability was published abroad.
In the year under review, the Junior Environmental Scientific Prize, which had been founded by the President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, was again awarded to a researcher of the institute in commendation of his study on the right to water in international law.
Number of contributing researchers: 4
- Theoretical research partially focused on the analysis of the history of modern comparative law and it applied a new perspective. Indeed, it pointed out that comparative law had three dominant paradigms in the last one and a half century. These paradigms – the paradigm of Historical Jurisprudence, that of the droit comparé, and that of the modern comparative law – also comprehensively determined the comparative studies of the year under review related to various fields of law. A monograph and other papers were published in this research project.
Research conceptually analyzing the European constitutions’ preambles was also carried out in the year under review. It was mainly devoted to applied legal theory. One of the researchers scrutinized the problem whether there is any relationship between the controversial normativity of preambles and the features of speech acts included in them. In conclusion, it can be indicated that if the constitution-maker incorporates moral elements into the preamble of the constitution it may be a perfect starting point for an interpretation being even contrary to its original intention in the later phases of constitutional development.
Those studies are also worthy of interest that were devoted to the dilemmas of rule of law, the continuous transformation of our concept of law, the constitutional aspects of statutory limitation, the legal transition’s concept of rule of law, the comparative study of jurisprudence and the philosophical bases of EU law. The results were published in English, French, and Russian articles both in Hungary and abroad.
Various aspects of judicial process, judicial lawmaking and codification were also discussed in English publications.
Number of contributing researchers: 2
b) Relationship between science and society
Researchers of the institute contributed to address issues in the focus of public attention and disseminated scientific knowledge in various fields. From among the relevant activities one should highlight the research on a particular phase of constitution-making, which preoccupied the public opinion, that is, the drafting of the preamble of the Basic Law of Hungary. This research even attracted media attention, and its conclusions were published in an edited volume of a conference that had been held in the previous year. Investigations focusing on the Basic Law also embraced the examination and explanation of legislation concerning certain controversial questions of the period of political transition, including issues of truth and responsibility, from the point of view of legal theory.
Studies related to the Hungarian presidency of the EU and efforts to introduce that institution in an easily comprehensible manner were likewise of outstanding importance in the year under review. Findings made available to both experts involved in the practical fulfilment of tasks related to the presidency and the public opinion were drawn upon a continued research program that had been initiated in the previous year. This program examined the historical background and the institution of the presidency of the EU in a comprehensive fashion.
The society showed profound interest in several objectives and products of domestic law-making, as well. For instance, the preparation of the new Criminal Code prompted the analysis and assessment of different substantive and procedural legal questions. This research laid special emphasis on economic crimes as well as on newly adopted institutions of criminal procedure, which resulted in fierce professional and social debates.
In the field of private law, it was the research in the field of health law that attracted public attention the most. In line with practical demands, the relevant activities resulted in a volume that seeks to promote the work of entrepreneur physicians. In addition, research in the field of health law covered question that had been in the centre of public attention for an extended period of time, such as the legal and ethical aspects of end-of-life decisions or the liability of health care service providers. Furthermore, researchers of the institute contributed to the preparation of a comprehensive electronic and printed commentary to the Civil Code, which may prove useful for both private and legal persons.
The dialogue between science and society assumed different forms. As primary means of public information, numerous interviews and articles appeared in the printed, audio-visual or electronic media. The dissemination of legal knowledge was supplemented by “Jogi Iránytű” (“Legal Compass”) – an internet-based periodical of the institute, which discusses topical legal questions and problems in an easily accessible and comprehensible manner. The institute also receives inquiries by individuals or civil society organizations concerning either general or specific legal questions. The researchers, if possible, do everything in their capacity to provide a satisfactory answer to these questions. It is worth noting that the dialogue is reciprocal as some of the inquiries inspire researchers to carry out further scientific investigations.
III. A presentation of national and international relations
- During the year under review, the majority of researchers participated in professional activities as members of various national and international professional associations and of editorial boards of scientific journals. Researchers contributed to the work of twenty-seven national and nineteen international professional associations and of five Hungarian branches of international professional associations. They served as chairmen of three national associations, as honorary chairman of one and as deputy chairmen of two international associations, as secretary-general of an international association and as secretary-general of the Hungarian branch of an international association. Besides researchers worked as members of editorial boards of twenty-seven national and seven international scientific journals, and served as editors-in-chief or executive editors of six national scientific journals.
- During the year under review, the institute was organiser or co-organiser of several national and international conferences. Certain conferences should be highlighted owing to their significance and prosperous interest: ”A magyar sztrájkjog jelene és jövője” (Present and Future of Hungarian Strike Law); ”Migration in the European Union”, ”Citizens and Denizens: The State and Immigration and Asylum Policy” (co-organiser: Institute of State and Law of the Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic); ”Combating Discrimination, Racism and Xenophobia” (co-organiser: National Research Council, Italy – CNR); ”La question prioritaire de constitutionnalité: les incidences d’une procédure nouvelle sur la structuration de l’ordre juridique” (co-organiser: Magyar Alkotmányjogászok Egyesülete (Association of Hungarian Constitutional Lawyers); ”Magyarország új Alkotmánya és annak hatása a közigazgatásra” (The New Constitution of Hungary and Its Impact on Public Administration); ”Gazdasági alkotmányosság az új alaptörvény után” (Economic Constitutionalism after the New Basic Law), ”Kodifikációs dilemmák – demokratikus válaszok a terrorizmus kihívásaira” (Dilemmas of Codification – Democratic Answers to the Challenge of Terrorism). The Institute was organiser or co-organiser of book reviews of almost all monographs that researchers published in the year under review.
- The majority of research fellows were involved in teaching in bachelor, master and doctoral programmes of several institutions, such as the Budapest College of Management, Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, University of Debrecen, Eötvös Loránd University of Sciences, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church, Central European University, University of Miskolc, University of West Hungary, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, University of Pécs, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Semmelweis Ignác University of Medicine, Széchenyi István University, Zrínyi Miklós National Defence University. Three researchers gave lectures at foreign universities (in the Czech Republic, Germany, and the United States).
In the year under review, researchers taught 123 theoretical courses and 73 seminars, and supported the work of students in the completion of 21 works for scientific student competition, 132 theses, which proves the high-level and quality of their teaching skills.
During the year under review a researcher served in the capacity of the head of a doctoral school, twelve researchers were involved in teaching in doctoral schools, and eight research fellows participated as core members in certain doctoral schools. A researcher also taught in the doctoral programme of a foreign university.
Research fellows of the institute assisted as consultants in the preparation of altogether 23 PhD theses during the year under review.
- The agreements between the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and other academies of sciences or research centres provided a good basis for maintaining international relations and for joint research programmes.
Research fellows of the institute carried out joint research with the National Research Council (CNR) of Italy on intervention against racism and xenophobia. Within the scope of this research, several studies were published in English and an international conference was organised.
The institute maintains close scientific relations with the V. M. Koretsky Institute of State and Law of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for years. In the year under review, a bilingual edited volume was completed in Ukraine and in Hungarian as a result of joint research activities of recent years. It will be published in Kiev in 2012.
During the year under review, the co-operation continued with the Institute of State and Law of the Czech Republic. An international workshop was organised by the two institutions on matters of migration and citizenship, the results of which will be published by the Czech institute, considering that the proceedings of a workshop that had been held in the previous year was published by the Hungarian party.
In addition, several researchers participated in the work of the research group on fundamental rights of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights.
- Five researchers were on research visits abroad for several months with scholarships, and the institute welcomed several foreign researchers, as well. These scholars either conducted research in the library of the institute or engaged in consultations with the research fellows of the institute.
IV. Brief summary of national and international research proposals, winning in 2011
OTKA PD 73641 (1 April 2008 – 31 March 2011) „The international legal fundamentals and obstacles of the measures against human trafficking in national criminal law”; under that title, a postdoctoral scholarship had been pursued with special regard to scrutinizing the realization of fundamental principles of criminal law in rule of law within the field of human trafficking. As for the results, a comprehensive monograph was completed to summarize the research conducted on trafficking in persons that is to be published in the first half of 2012.
Number of researchers participating: 1. The amount of the financial sponsorship: 0 HUF.
OTKA T/76488 (1 April 2009 – 30 April 2012) „The impacts of the Lisbon Treaty on Hungarian legal system”; the research focused on the common principles and objectives of the EU’s external relations, the modification of private international law concerning the collision issues, the amended aspects of common commercial policy with special regard to the new jurisdictional issues, as well. The scientific results of the research are to be summarized in a book with several authors published in the first half of 2012.
Number of researchers participating: 6 (2 of them are experts with non-affiliation of the institute). The amount of the financial sponsorship: 1 717 000 HUF.
OTKA K/78537 (1 June 2009 – 31 May 2012) „Lex Baiuvariorum – conception of law and idea of the society in the early medieval period”; the outcome of the scientific results had been published in a monograph with 266 pages. The book can be divided into two parts: statements of original texts and translation, as well as an article following the above-mentioned parts. In addition to that, five articles had been published within the topic of legal history in the early medieval period.
Number of researchers participating: 1. The amount of the financial sponsorship: 2 352 000 HUF.
OTKA K/76308 (1 October 2008 – 30 September 2011) „The administrative systems of the EU member States”; the research aimed to elaborate the survey of the administrative systems of the 27 EU member States. As for the scientific results, nearly 1000 pages long volume had been published in 2011 that contains a comprehensive description on each member States administrative system and synthesized studies.
Number of researchers participating: 15 (10 of them are experts with non-affiliation of the institute). The amount of the financial sponsorship: financial surplus from 2010; in 2009 and 2010 the amount was 7 129 000 HUF.
„European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC RAXEN) 1 February 2007 – 1 February 2011”; under the aegis of the international project sponsored by the European Information Network on Racism and Xenophobia (RAXEN) and Fundamental Rights Agency of the European Union (FRALEX) several reports had been written on racist crimes and relevant Hungarian regulation, as well as the existing and emerging forms of racism, xenophobia and discrimination.
Number of researchers participating: 7 (5 of them are experts with non-affiliation of the institute). The amount of the financial sponsorship: financial surplus from 2010.
V. List of important publications in 2011
BALÁZS ISTVÁN: A közigazgatás változásai Magyarországon és Európában a rendszerváltástól napjainkig. Debreceni Egyetemi Kiadó, Debrecen, 2011. 203 p.
DÓSA ÁGNES: Összehasonlító egészségügyi jog. Complex, Budapest, 2011. 244 p.
FEKETE BALÁZS: A modern jogösszehasonlítás paradigmái. Kísérlet a jogösszehasonlítás történetének új értelmezésére. Gondolat, Budapest, 2011. 246 p.
GÁRDOS OROSZ FRUZSINA: Alkotmányos polgári jog? Az alapvető jogok alkalmazása a magánjogi jogvitákban. Dialóg Campus, Budapest – Pécs, 2011. 215 p.
HALÁSZ IVÁN: A nemzetközi migráció és a közigazgatás. BCE KIK, Budapest, 2011. 257 p.
[Bakos Kitti] – NÓTÁRI TAMÁS: Szellemi tulajdon – építészeti alkotás. Lectum, Szeged, 2011. 174 p.
SCHWEITZER GÁBOR: A katedrán innen és túl. Tanulmányok a jogi felsőoktatás múltjából. Publikon Kiadó, Pécs, 2011. 212 p.
VARGA CSABA: Válaszúton – húsz év múltán. Viták jogunk alapjairól és céljairól. Kráter, Pomáz, 2011. 256 p.
BALÁZS ISTVÁN – GAJDUSCHEK GYÖRGY– KOI GYULA – SZAMEL KATALIN /szerk./: Az Európai Unió tagállamainak közigazgatása. Complex, Budapest, 2011. 970 p.
LAMM VANDA – MAJTÉNYI BALÁZS – PAP ANDRÁS LÁSZLÓ /szerk./: Preambulum az Alkotmányokban. Complex, Budapest, 2011. 127 p.
BODZÁSI BALÁZS: A bankgarancia.785-815. p. In: Osztovits András (szerk.): A Polgári Törvénykönyvről szóló 1959. évi IV. törvény magyarázata 2011, 1. kötet, Opten Kiadó, Budapest, 2011.
CZIGLER DEZSŐ TAMÁS – HORVÁTHY BALÁZS: A szabadságon, biztonságon és a jog érvényesülésén alapuló térség jogforrásainak feltárása. Jog, Állam, Politika, Vol.3. 2011. No.2. 3-25 p.
GANCZER MÓNIKA: A határon túli magyarok kettős állampolgárságának nemzetközi jogi és belső aspektusai: a kollektív elvesztéstől a könnyített megszerzésig. Jog, Állam, Politika, Vol.3. 2011. No.3. 45-61.p.
HOLLAN MIKLÓS: A cselekmény tényállásszerűsége (a büntetőtörvényi tényállások). 75-105 p. In: Kis Norbert /szerk./: Büntetőjog I. Az anyagi büntetőjog általános része. Büntetőjogi ismeretek a közszolgálati szakemberképzés számára. Dialóg Campus, Budapest – Pécs, 2011.
KECSKÉS GÁBOR: A környezetvédelem és a kapcsolódó környezeti kérdések megjelenése a nemzetközi bírói fórumok gyakorlatában. Kül-Világ, Vol.8. 2011. No. 1-2. 102-116 p.
SULYOK GÁBOR: General principles of law as a source of international law. 151-186 p. In: Kovács Péter /ed./: International law – a quiet strength. (Miscellanea in memoriam Géza Herczegh). Pázmány Press, Budapest, 2011.
TÓTH MIHÁLY: Utak, ösvények és „csapások” a visszaesés büntetőjogi szabályozásában. 177-192 p. In: Belovics Ervin – Tamási Erzsébet - Varga Zoltán /szerk./: Örökség és büntetőjog. Emlékkönyv Békés Imre tiszteletére. PPKE JÁK, Budapest, 2011.
VÖRÖS IMRE: A modern magyar versenyjog kezdetei. 11-21 p. In: Tóth Tihamér – Szilágyi Pál: A magyar versenyjog múltja és jövője. Jubileumi kötet a magyar versenyjog 20 éves fennállására. PPKE JÁK, Budapest, 2011.