The Institute for Legal Studies of the Centre for Social Sciences at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, with the support of the Hungarian Development Bank, established the senior scholar award in 2007 to honor individuals with outstanding professional achievements in the field of legal sciences. The prestigious award is comprised of the following three prizes:
Iuris Consulto Excellentissimo Prize |
Peschka Vilmos Commemorative Medal
Pulszky Ágost Commemorative Medal
The Iuris Consulto Excellentissimo Prize is awarded for an extensive and exceptional academic career, recognized both domestically and internationally. The Peschka Vilmos Commemorative Medal and the Pulszky Ágost Commemorative Medal serve to acknowledge scholarly work with significant theoretical and practical impact, respectively.
Individuals awarded the Iuris Consulto Excellentissimo Prize receive a statuette made by the Derkovits Prize laureate sculptor, Iván Paulikovics, and a certificate of merit. Laureates of the Peschka Vilmos Commemorative Medal and the Pulszky Ágost Commemorative Medal receive a medal made by the same artist and a certificate of merit.
Nominations for all awards are submitted by the deans of domestic law faculties, as well as by leading officials of other institutions of higher education who are active in the field of legal sciences. Traditionally, the awards are given every two years, as part of the annual Day of Hungarian Science celebrations. At the ceremony, laureates are requested to hold a lecture of approximately twenty minutes on a topic of their choosing.
In 2017 the Institute’s awards have been renewed. Iuris Consulto Excellentissimo Award has been replaced by HAS Centre for Social Sciences Institute for Legal Studies Lifetime Achievement Award, while the Vilmos Peschka Memorial Medal and the Ágost Pulszky Memorial Medal have not been awarded since 2015.
Former laureates:
- Iuris Consulto Excellentissimo Prize: Professor Tamás Sárközy (Corvinus University of Budapest)
- Peschka Vilmos Commemorative Medal: Professor András Tamás (Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary)
- Pulszky Ágost Commemorative Medal: Ambassador (ret.), Professor Erich Kussbach (Andrássy Universität Budapest)
- Iuris Consulto Excellentissimo Prize: Professor Géza Kilényi (Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Faculty of Law, Budapest)
- Peschka Vilmos Commemorative Medal: Professor Éva Jakab (University of Szeged)
- Pulszky Ágost Commemorative Medal: Professor Ernő Várnay (University of Debrecen)
- Iuris Consulto Excellentissimo Prize: Professor János Zlinszky (Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Faculty of Law, Budapest)
- Peschka Vilmos Commemorative Medal: Professor András Földi (ELTE University, Faculty of Law, Budapest)
- Pulszky Ágost Commemorative Medal: Professor János Bruhács (University of Pécs)
Video and photogallery (2013, HU)
- Iuris Consulto Excellentissimo: Professor József Ruszoly (University of Szeged)
- Peschka Vilmos Commemorative Medal: Professor Tamás Horváth M. (University of Debrecen)
- Pulszky Ágost Commemorative Medal: Professor Tamás Lábady (Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Faculty of Law, Budapest)