Lecture by Péter Polt on the Prosecution Service of Hungary

   4th December 2014

The HAS CSS Institute for Legal Studies is organising a lecture series entitled “The Legal System Viewed from Within” in order to explore the actual work of those institutions which are the most important for the functioning of the legal system. During the fourth session Péter Polt, Prosecutor General of Hungary, will deliver a 30 minutes long lecture. This is going to be followed by a 90 minutes discussion with the participation of the audience.


Date: 4 December 2014, 14:00

Venue: Council Room (H-1014 Budapest, Országház street 30, 2nd floor)

Working language: Hungarian


For more information on the lecture series, please click here.

The event is open to the public. Participants are most welcome, but prior registration is required via email toszilagyi.emese@tk.mta.hu.