Cardinal Changes - Changes in the Statutes on the Freedom of Information and Data Protection

   8th May 2014

The HAS Centre for Social Sciences Institute for Legal Studies organizes a workshop series on the recent reforms of the two-thirds majority/cardinal laws enacted during the legislative period which is about to end.

The topic of the session is the changes in the laws on the freedom of information and data protection.

  • Speakers:  András Jóri, Miklós Ligeti, Endre Győző Szabó and Máté Dániel Szabó
  • Moderator: András Jakab, Director of the Institute
  • Date: 8th May 2014, 14.00
  • Venue: Council Room (H-1014 Budapest, Országház Street 30, 2nd floor)
  • Working Language: Hungarian

For more information on the workshop series, please, click here.

The event is public. Participants are most welcome, but please, indicate your intention to participate at the following e-mail address: