Research Seminar on Szilárd Tattay’s paper: "Lehetséges-e a személy jogait a tulajdon fogalmára alapozni? A ‘dominium’, a ‘tulajdon’ és az ‘önmagunk feletti tulajdon’ fogalmainak történeti elemzése" ["Is it Possible to Found the Rights of the Person on the Notion of Property? An Historical Analysis of the Notions of 'Dominium', 'Property' and 'Self-Ownership'"].
- Discussants: Ferenc Hörcher (HAS Institute of Philosophy) and Balázs Fekete (HAS CSS Institute for Legal Studies)
- Date: 20 February 2014, 10:00
- Venue: Council Room (H-1014 Budapest, Országház street 30, 2nd floor)
- Working Language: Hungarian
- Contact: Tamás Hoffmann