Cardinal Changes – The Transformation of the Statutes on Municipalities

   23rd January 2014

The HAS Centre for Social Sciences Institute for Legal Studies organizes a workshop series on the recent reforms of the two-thirds majority/cardinal laws enacted during the legislative period which is about to end.

The topic of the first session is the transformation of the statutes on municipalities.

  • Speakers:  István Balázs, Tamás M. Horváth, Ilona Pálné Kovács and Zoltán Szente.
  • Moderator: András Jakab, Director of the Institute
  • Date: January 23, 2014
  • Venue: Council Room (H-1014 Budapest, Országház Street 30, 2nd floor)
  • Working Language: Hungarian

For more information on the workshop series, please, click here.

The event is public. Participants are most welcome, but please, indicate your intention to participate at the following e-mail address: