Doktori viták, védések

Schmidt Richárd: A nemzetköz fórumválasztás szabadsága és korlátai az aszimmetrikus joghatósági és választottbírósági megállapodások tükrében

Alkis-Tümtürk Asli: A Comparative Study of the Online Privacy and Data Protection of Children in the European Union and the United States

Békés Gergely: Az előadóművészi jogok

Köböl-Benda Vivien: Az egészséges környezethez való jog nemzetközi megjelenése

Call for papers

Call for Papers: 3. Global Conference on Parliamentary Studies

Call for Papers: Parliaments of Europe – Europe of parliaments?

Folyóiratok, working paperek és blogbejegyzések

JTI Blog (2024/4)

JTI Blog (2024/3)

Jogtudományi Közlöny (2024/2)

Konferenciák, workshopok, könyvbemutatók, előadások

Konferencia - Resilience of Covid and Post-Covid legal systems: Challenges and Responses in Hungary and in Northern Europe

Műhelyvita - Boldizsár Szentgáli-Tóth & Péter Sziládi: Balancing of fundamental rights by the employer?

Hazai és külföldi álláshirdetések, ösztöndíjak

The Department of Criminal Law at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law, in Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany), is seeking to recruit a highly qualified postdoc

PhD researcher in (Multi-Disciplinary) Legal Research in the Field of Migration

Call for Vacancy to fill 2-3 positions of junior researchers at the Department of International Law within the University Centre for Conflict and Post-Conflict Studies

Barbara Huber Scholarship

További hírek

Dr. Nagy László magánjogi érvelési verseny

Doktori viták, védések
Schmidt Richárd: A nemzetköz fórumválasztás szabadsága és korlátai az aszimmetrikus joghatósági és választottbírósági megállapodások tükrében

Témavezető: Raffai Katalin, egyetemi docens, PPKE JÁK

Név: Schmidt Richárd
Időpont: 2024-03-20 13:00
Helyszín: 1088 Budapest, Szentkirályi u. 28. II. emelet, Dékáni Tanácsterem
Alkis-Tümtürk Asli: A Comparative Study of the Online Privacy and Data Protection of Children in the European Union and the United States

Supervisors: Zsolt Nagy - Szilvia Váradi Kertészné

Név: Alkis-Tümtürk Asli
Időpont: 2024-04-04 13:00
Helyszín: SZTE ÁJTK Kari Tanácsterem (Szeged, Tisza L. krt. 54.)
Békés Gergely: Az előadóművészi jogok

Témavezető: Mezei Péter, egyetemi tanár

Név: Békés Gergely
Időpont: 2024-04-08 13:00
Helyszín: SZTE ÁJTK Kari Tanácsterem (Szeged, Tisza L. krt. 54. I.e.)
Köböl-Benda Vivien: Az egészséges környezethez való jog nemzetközi megjelenése

Témavezető: Bándi Gyula, egyetemi tanár, PPKE JÁK

Név: Köböl-Benda Vivien
Időpont: 2024-03-15 10:00
Helyszín: 1088 Budapest, Szentkirályi u. 28. II. emelet, Dékáni Tanácsterem
Call for papers
Call for Papers: 3. Global Conference on Parliamentary Studies

Parliamentary studies are a clear example of a specialized and sectional research field. The object of the discipline is, by definition, represented by the structural and functional features of a single institution. Such an institution may appear to be very articulated, both structurally and functionally, and involve many variations, depending on the constitutional and political system in which each parliament operates. These variations stem from historical and political reasons, which have forged each parliament in a certain way and which have determined its (continuous and often sub-track) evolution. In order to be fully understood, each parliamentary institution needs to be studied from multiple and often concurring perspectives.

At the same time, and apparently conversely, the main and identifying structural and functional features of each parliament presuppose a high degree of universalism and are indeed even based on an aspiration to be fully inclusive and to a certain extent even encyclopaedic. Parliaments have been conceived to ensure political representation for the whole of (national) society, reflecting its pluralism as well as its various cleavages and bringing them to the heart of state institutions.

Nicola Lupo, Parliamentary Studies Between Sectionalism and Universalism
International Journal of Parliamentary Studies, 3 (2023) 151–155


The conveners invite scholars from all countries to submit abstracts related to the following topics:

Division of power – new theoretical approaches
Parliamentary research (ideas, results and techniques)
Sustainability of Parliaments in populist Europe, incl. democratic backsliding
Parliaments as collective bodies (relations between majority and opposition, status of MPs and factions, internal organisation and limits of parliamentary autonomy)
Parliaments and the supranational and subnational levels of representation (interparliamentary cooperation, implementation of EU law, the role of second chambers)
Dynamics of the legislative procedure (government-parliament relations in the legislative procedure, executive legislation, legislative responses to judicial decisions)
Theory and practice of good legislation and regulation (safeguarding and monitoring the quality of legislation, impact assessment, post RIA)

Határidő: 2024-02-29
Call for Papers: Parliaments of Europe – Europe of parliaments?
Határidő: 2024-02-29
Folyóiratok, working paperek és blogbejegyzések
JTI Blog (2024/4)
Aujeszky Nóra - Szabó Attila: A természeti erőforrások megőrzése mindenki kötelessége?
JTI Blog (2024/3)
Borsos Barbara: Demokratikus deficit az európai parlamenti választások tükrében
Jogtudományi Közlöny (2024/2)

Diskurzusok - Perrendtartás és jogvédelem

Pribula László: Új megközelítés? A jogi képviselők által előterjesztett igazolási kérelmek elbírálási gyakorlata

Diskurzusok - Versenyszabályozás és jogérvényesítés

Pétervári Kinga: Populizmus és verseny. Kritikai megjegyzések Maciej Bernatt kötetéhez


Prugberger Tamás – Solymosi-Szekeres Bernadett: Az átalakuló tartós vállalkozási, megbízási és munka-, foglalkoztatási szerződések


Tóth Szeréna: Többszintű jogvédelem. Fókuszban az egyetemi ombudsman szerepe


Benke József: Hamlet a dán királyfi nélkül? A római jogtudomány állásáról Wolfgang Ernst könyve szerint


Steiner Gábor: Az európai büntetőjog gyakorlatáról szóló kötetről

Konferenciák, workshopok, könyvbemutatók, előadások
Konferencia - Resilience of Covid and Post-Covid legal systems: Challenges and Responses in Hungary and in Northern Europe

The conference on 7-8 March is the final event of the HAS-funded two-year project "The responsiveness of the legal system in post-COVID society: risks and opportunities - Hungarian Academy of Sciences research grant on post-COVID phenomena", which will also be the first joint conference of two twin projects with similar focus. The Finnish project "Just Recovery from COVID-19? Fundamental Rights, Legitimate Governance and Lessons Learnt (JuRe)" runs in Finland. The two-day conference in two languages (English and Hungarian) will provide an opportunity to comprehensively examine and draw conclusions from the research findings, and present the results to a wide Hungarian and international audience. In the first part of the conference, the participants will examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mechanisms of the rule of law, with particular reference to: (1) the introduction of special legal regimes, (2) the separation of powers, (3) the position of the judiciary, (4) the most challenging human rights issues, such as children's rights, and (5) the role of the Ombudsman as a human rights defender. In the second half of the conference, we will present the achievements of the Hungarian Post-COVID project in Hungarian, highlighting the most important findings that can be attributed to each pillar (sub-project). Thus, presentations will highlight new findings (1) on the lessons learned from the special legal order, (2) on the relationship between scientific reasoning and law, and (3) new challenges of law and technology.

PROGRAM according to Central European Time (CET) - MARCH 7. 2024

8.30 - 8.45    Registration

8.45 - 9.00    Welcome speeches – the Hungarian project (Fruzsina Gárdos-Orosz, research professor, Hungary); the Finish project (Prof. Janne Salminen, Finland)

Plenary Session I: Rule of Law and Human Rights (Chair: Nóra Chronowski, research professor, Hungary)

9.00 - 9.20   The Finnish Constitutional Doctrine on Emergency – How the Constitutional Law Committee dealt with the COVID-19 Pandemic (Prof. Anu Mutanen, Finland)

9.20 - 9.40    Crisis and Law: Handling COVID-19 by emergency powers in the Central and Eastern European countries (Fruzsina Gárdos-Orosz, research professor, Hungary)

9.40 - 10.00    The Supervisory role of the Finnish Parliamentary Ombudsman during the COVID-19 pandemic (Prof. Janne Salminen, Finland),

10.00 - 10.20    The role of the Hungarian Ombudsman during coronavirus crisis (Nóra Bán-Forgács, research fellow, Hungary)

10.20 - 11.00    Discussion (Discussant: Zoltán Szente, research professor, Hungary)

11.00 - 11.30    Coffee break

11.30 - 13.00    Round-table discussion with researchers on parallel social sciences projects in the Centre for Social Sciences – Law and Regulation in Society

(Chair: Viktor Lőrincz, junior research fellow, Hungary)

Nóra Bán-Forgács (ILS), Nasiya Daminova (Finland) and representatives of other CSS Post-COVID research projects.

13.00- 13.30    Lunch

Plenary Session II: Separation of powers and freedom of movement during the COVID-19 crisis

(Chair: András László Pap, research professor, Hungary)

13.30 - 13.50    The Luxembourg Court faced with the COVID-19 pandemic: the example of ‘due process’ rights' (Dr. Nasiya Daminova, Finland)

13.50 - 14.10    Courts during the COVID-19 and in state of emergency (Nóra Chronowski, research professor, Hungary)

14.10 - 14.30    Specifics of judicial review under COVID-19 crisis (Boldizsár Szentgáli-Tóth, senior research fellow, Hungary)

14.30 - 15.00    Discussion (Discussant: Balázs Horváthy, research fellow, Hungary)

15.00 - 15.30    Coffee break

15.30 - 15.50    Scientific facts addressed by constitutional courts during the COVID-19 crisis.

(Dr. Laurianne Allezard, post-doctoral researcher, Lund University, Faculty of Law, Project: ”The case of COVID 19 and prospects for Climate Action” led by Lund University and Oxford University, founded by Marianne et Marcus Wallenberg Fund)

15.50 - 16.10    The Freedom of Movement of Persons during Emergencies in the European Union (Dr. Mehrnoosh Farzamfar, Finland)

16.10 - 16.30    Children's Right to Health in Finnish COVID-19 Vaccination Decrees' (PhD student Petra Järvinen, Finland)

16.30 - 17.00    Discussion (Discussant: Réka Friedery, research fellow, Hungary)



The second day of the conference will be held in Hungarian. Translation (summary) via Zoom program (on screen) will be provided.

9.00 - 9.15   Bevezető gondolatok a „Jogrendszer ellenállóképessége (rezilienciája) poszt-COVID társadalmakban: kockázatok és lehetőségek” című MTA által támogatott nagykockázatú projekt lezárásához (Gárdos-Orosz Fruzsina, kutatóprofesszor, HUN-REN TK JTI)

Remarks on the project ”The responsiveness of the legal system in the post-COVID society: risks and opportunities - Hungarian Academy of Sciences research grant on post-COVID phenomena (Fruzsina Gárdos-Orosz, research professor, HUN-REN CSS ILS).

First subproject/ Első rész

Moderátor: Hoffmann István (kutatóprofesszor, HUN-REN TK JTI)

Moderator: István Hoffmann (research professor, HUN-REN CSS ILS)

9.15-9.35 Természettudományos érvelés a jogban (Sulyok Katalin, adjunktus, ELTE ÁJK)

Natural science arguments in legal reasoning (ass. prof. Katalin Sulyok, ELTE ÁJK)

9.35 - 9.55 A tudomány szerepe az alkotmányjogi érvelésben, különös tekintettel az emberi jogi kérdésekre (Bán-Forgács Nóra, tudományos munkatárs HUN-REN TK JTI)

Scientific arguments in constitutional law in human rights matters (Nóra Forgács-Bán, research fellow, HUN-REN CSS ILS)

9.55-10.30 Reflexió és kiegészítés a természettudományos érveléshez a jogban (Nagy Marianna, tanszékvezető egyetemi tanár, ELTE ÁJK) és vita

Reflections and comments on ‘Natural science arguments in law’ (prof. Marianna Nagy, ELTE ÁJK) and discussion

Second subproject / Második rész

Moderátor: Bencze Mátyás (tudományos főmunkatárs, HUN-REN TK JTI)

Moderator: Mátyás Bencze (senior research fellow, HUN-REN CSS ILS)

10.30 - 10.50 Ment-e a gépek által a világ elébb? A koronavírus hatása technológia és jog kapcsolatára különös tekintettel a büntetőjogra (Mezei Kitti, tud. munkatárs, HUN-REN TK JTI)

Has the world been advanced by machines? The impact of the coronavirus on the relationship between technology and law, with special regard to criminal law (Kitti Mezei, research fellow HUN-REN CSS ILS)

10.50 - 11.10 Digitalizáció, poszt-COVID és akadémiai szabadság (Pap András László, kutatóprofesszor, HUN-REN TK JTI)

Digitalisation, post-COVID and academic freedom (András László Pap, research professor, HUN-REN CSS ILS)

11.10 - 11. 45 Reflexiók és kiegészítések a digitalizációs kihívásokhoz (Ződi Zsolt, tudományos főmunkatárs, Ludovika Egyetem) és vita

Reflections and comments on the challenges of digitalisation (Zsolt Ződi, senior research fellow, Ludovika University)

11.45 - 12.30 Ebéd/Lunch

Third subproject/ Harmadik rész

Moderátor: Hajdu Gábor (tudományos munkatárs, HUN-REN TK JTI)

Moderator: Gábor Hajdu (reserarch fellow, HUN-REN CSS ILS)

12.30 - 12.50 A különleges jogrend tapasztalatai Magyarországon, az I. pillér összefoglalása – Lőrincz Viktor (tud. segédmunkatárs, HUN-REN TK JTI) és Hungler Sára (tudományos munkatárs, HUN-REN TK JTI)

State of Emergency, extraordinary legal systems and resilience. Lessons learnt from Hungary - Viktor Lőrincz (junior research fellow, HUN-REN CSS ILS) – Sára Hungler (research fellow, HUN-REN CSS ILS)

12.50 - 13.10 Hogyan értjük/érthetjük a jogrendszer rezilienciáját?  (Matyasovszky Németh Márton, adjunktus, ELTE ÁJK - Fábián Áron, tanársegéd, ELTE ÁJK, korábban fiatal kutatók TK JTI)

How to understand the resilience of law (Márton Matyasovszky Németh - Áron Fábián – assistant professors at ELTE law school, former junior research fellows, CSS ILS)

13.10 - 14.00 Reflexió és kiegészítés  a különleges jogrendi jogrendszer-állapot problémakörhöz (Bencze Mátyás, tudományos főmunkatárs HUN-REN TK JTI) és Vita

Reflection and comments on the problems of special legal order and resilience (Mátyás Bencze, senior research fellow HUN-REN CSS ILS) and discussion

14.00 Closing remarks/Zárszó

Időpont: 2024-03-07 08:30
Helyszín: 1097 Budapest, Tóth Kálmán u. 4.
Műhelyvita - Boldizsár Szentgáli-Tóth & Péter Sziládi: Balancing of fundamental rights by the employer?

Balancing of fundamental rights by the employer?

Employer’s margin of appreciation to terminate or suspend the labor contract of non-vaccinated employees

During the public health emergency and the initial stages of the post-COVID period, states rendered several far-reaching restrictions of fundamental rights justified by the overarching interest for the protection of human life and public health. Amongst others, mandatory vaccination may be ordered by the employer, which imposes a clear limitation on employee’s right to free conscience, free self-determination, free occupation and right to work. Moreover, in several countries like in Hungary, the decision was vested in the employer for termination or suspension, while in the public sector, similar measures have been implemented also in other countries entailing constitutional review processes.

Nonetheless, requiring the employees to be vaccinated was also present before COVID-19, and employers were also involved in the establishment of such policies. For instance, in Hungary, the employer has been obliged to prepare a risk assessment and may be obliged to require employees to be vaccinated. However, the state provided strict prerequisites for the employers to balance which positions may be subject to which kind of vaccination as an ultima ratio solution.

Opponsek: Kártyás Gábor (PPKE), Hungler Sára (TK JTI)

Időpont: 2024-02-29 10:00
Helyszín: TK Jogtudományi Intézet (1097 Budapest, Tóth Kálmán utca 4.) T.0.25.
Hazai és külföldi álláshirdetések, ösztöndíjak
The Department of Criminal Law at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law, in Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany), is seeking to recruit a highly qualified postdoc

The research

The postdoctoral position is embedded in the independent Research Group “Criminal Law Theory” headed by Philipp-Alexander Hirsch. It is part of the Department of Criminal Law (Director: Prof. Tatjana Hörnle). This research group takes an interdisciplinary approach and is dedicated to the study of the normative foundations and functions of punishment and criminal law. Its researchers analyze criminal law and criminal procedure with regard to their underlying normative structures and principles, focusing on current challenges that arise in a similar way in different legal systems. The aim is to develop proposals for solutions to problems of criminal law that go beyond national legislation.


Your profile


You should have a strong academic background in law or practical philosophy and a keen interest in fundamental research in criminal law and interdisciplinary work. Ideal candidates will possess the following qualifications:

  • A university degree in law or philosophy with outstanding results.

  • Proven research excellence, as evidenced by a PhD with excellent results (preferably with the distinction “summa cum laude” or the highest grade in another grading system), publications in high-ranking journals or other equivalent research contributions.

  • Research interest and/or experience in analyzing the normative foundations and functions of punishment and criminal law; a particular interest in the program of the Research Group “Criminal Law Theory” is desirable.

  • Willingness and ability to cross traditional disciplinary boundaries and enhance innovative research approaches.

  • Excellent communication skills and the ability to work effectively in a highly dynamic, interdisciplinary and international research environment (the working language can be either German or English).


Our offer


The primary purpose of the position is to carry out own research projects and to contribute to the research projects and academic activities of the research group. It is also ideal for the pursuit of a post-doctoral lecturing qualification (habilitation) based at a German university. All researchers at the Institute are given ample time to pursue their research, publish their own work, and to advance their academic careers. There is no obligation to teach, but we will gladly support you if you are interested in gaining teaching experience.

Our Institute offers unrivaled research conditions: access to an outstanding, specialized library (with approximately 500,000 volumes and 1100 print journals) as well as access to a comprehensive range of German and foreign case law and literature databases, well-equipped workplaces, and comprehensive administrative and academic support. Additionally, there are many opportunities for our researchers to participate in workshops, attend seminars and conferences, and liaise with world-renowned experts at both the Institute and as part of the Max Planck Lawnetwork – a framework of Max Planck Institutes engaged in advanced legal research. Collaboration with other researchers and international partners at the Institute is a key element of our work.

The position is full-time (currently 39 hours/week). Remuneration and social benefits are based on the German Civil Service Collective Agreement (TVöD Bund), pay category 13 (entry level depending on prior experience; https://oeffentlicher-dienst.info/tvoed/bund/). All mandatory social insurance contributions for health care, long-term care, unemployment, and retirement are included in the salary.

The initial contract is a fixed-term appointment for three years with the possibility of extension up to six years in accordance with the Academic Fixed-Term Contract Act (Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz, WissZeitVG). The work location is Freiburg im Breisgau/Germany. Ensuring the compatibility of family and career and a positive work-life balance is important to the Max Planck Society. We offer flexible working arrangements, including remote work, and there are a number of daycare spots at a nearby childcare facility. Generous opportunities for personal and career development are provided, including free in-house German language courses.

The Max Planck Society is an equal opportunity employer and supports diversity in the workplace. Applications from disabled persons are welcome. We also aim to increase the percentage of female staff members in fields in which they are underrepresented and therefore expressly encourage women to apply. Applications are also particularly welcome from persons with backgrounds that have so far been underrepresented in science and research with regard to gender, age, professional and cultural background, family situation, sexual orientation, and nationality.

Státusz megnevezése: Postdoctoral Researcher
Jelentkezési határidő: 2024-04-01
PhD researcher in (Multi-Disciplinary) Legal Research in the Field of Migration

Position Description

The Brussels School of Governance is looking for a PhD-student with a doctoral grant

More concretely your work package, for the preparation of a doctorate, contains: 

You will complete a PhD by drawing on law and migration studies, that can also have a broader multi-disciplinary perspective by drawing on legal and political philosophy and/or theory. PhD proposals that push the analysis of state sovereignty regarding migration a bit further than traditional eurocentric analyses by integrating insights of TWAIL or CRT approaches to international law, or democratic theory, are certainly welcome. 

As a PhD candidate you will develop a research proposal for the following researchs line of the Migration, Diversity and Justice centre: The Role of International Courts in Revisiting the Sovereignty of the Nation-State in the Field of Migration.  

The traditional understanding of the state as the primary subject of international law, implies a central role for state consent in the making and development of international law. Furthermore, states’ sovereignty and particularly their territorial sovereignty implies that states have the (sovereign) power who can enter and reside in its territory (and who cannot). At the same time, states have accepted to restrict their sovereignty by ratifying human rights treaties. Relatedly, many states have accepted the jurisdiction of international courts to pronounce legally binding judgements, in relation to their compliance with international conventions ratified by them. However, these international courts are all too well aware of the constraints they face: ultimately sovereign states cannot be forced to comply with their judgements. Hence, several international courts have developed strategies to manage this delicate balancing exercise, while gradually rescaling the notion and strength of state sovereignty.

As a PhD candidate you will develop a research proposal that, focuses on the jurisprudence of the ECtHR and the CJEU, and the way in which these courts assess compliance by European nation states (EU member states and non-EU member states) with international human rights in the field of migration and refugee law. It is possible to zoom in on particular of these human rights, provided that this choice is justified.

Státusz megnevezése: PhD-student with a doctoral grant
Jelentkezési határidő: 2024-05-15
Call for Vacancy to fill 2-3 positions of junior researchers at the Department of International Law within the University Centre for Conflict and Post-Conflict Studies

Dean of the Faculty of Law, Charles University
nám. Curieových 901/7, 116 40 Praha 1

Call for Vacancy to fill 2-3 positions of junior researchers

at the Department of International Law

within the University Centre for Conflict and Post-Conflict Studies (UNCE24/SSH/039)

for a total of up to 2.4 set weekly working hours. 



  • Master's degree in law and jurisprudence or in a related field
  • completed doctoral studies (Ph.D.) in the field of international law, criminal law or in a related field
  • knowledge of English at C1 level
  • Publication in high-quality journals (Web of Science, Scopus) is an advantage
  • Experience with the submission of grant projects and participation in them is an advantage

Expected starting date: April-May 2024

Candidates shall submit:

  • Motivation letter
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Documents proving that the completion of the university
  • List of publications

Applicants shall send all the materials to the HR Department of the Faculty of Law by 15 March 2024 by e-mail personalni@prf.cuni.cz.  

Oral interviews are planned for the second half of March 2024.

Státusz megnevezése: 2-3 positions of junior researchers
Jelentkezési határidő: 2024-03-15
Barbara Huber Scholarship
Outstanding academics can now apply for the new Barbara Huber Research Fellowship. Funding is available for particularly innovative research projects that contribute significantly to scientific progress in the fields of criminology, public law, and criminal law by unlocking new perspectives, questions, and findings. One Barbara Huber Research Fellowship is awarded per year and academic department. The duration of the fellowship is usually two to a maximum of six months.
Státusz megnevezése: Max Planck Institute launches new Scholarship Program
Jelentkezési határidő: 2024-04-30
További hírek
Dr. Nagy László magánjogi érvelési verseny

Idén kilencedik alkalommal kerül megrendezésre a Dr. Nagy László Magánjogi Érvelési Verseny, amelyre joghallgatók jelentkezését várják a szervezők.

A verseny lehetőséget biztosít joghallgatóknak arra, hogy a jogászi hivatás egyik legnagyobb kihívását jelentő területén, a jól felépített, tiszta, világos, bátor, szellemes – és jogilag is helyes – jogászi érvelésben megmutassák magukat, és összemérjék tehetségüket egy szakmailag jól előkészített és lebonyolított, jelentős presztízst biztosító, ámde mégis játékos vetélkedés keretében. A verseny egyben lehetőséget teremt a 2013-ban fiatalon elhunyt zseniális ügyvéd, dr. Nagy László István emlékének ápolására a jogásztársadalomban. 

Miért érdemes a hallgatóknak részt venniük a versenyen?

  • A hallgatók itt kipróbálhatják a szóbeli érvelési képességeiket egy komoly koncentrációt igénylő műfajban, ahol a személyes megjelenésnek, gyorsaságnak, az egyéniségnek és a humornak kiemelt szerepe van.
  • A jelentkezők új baráti és szakmai kapcsolatokra tehetnek szert.
  • A Bird & Bird, amely az ország egyik legnagyobb, legelismertebb ügyvédi irodája, biztosítja az esemény szakmai hátterét.
  • Az írásbeli beugró feladat elkészítésén túl alapvetően a gyors elemzési, előadói és szóbeli érvelési képességeken van a hangsúly.
  • Nem igényel különösebb egyedi felkészülést a versenyre való jelentkezés és az azon való részvétel.
  • Értékes pénzdíjat, szakmai gyakorlati lehetőséget, valamint a támogatók által felajánlott különdíjakat és professzionális szolgáltatásokat lehet nyerni.
  • A legjobban teljesítő versenyzők a nyilvános bronzmeccsen és a döntőben elismert hivatásrendi képviselők, kari oktatók és vezető ügyvédi irodák reprezentánsai, valamint nagyszámú, egyben támogató és barátságos közönség előtt mutathatják meg képességeiket egy jó hangulatú esemény keretében.
  • 2014 óta megrendezésre kerülő, hagyományos, sikeres, szakmai körökben ismert és elismert esemény.
  • A versenyzők egyben részesei lehetnek egy szép megemlékezésnek és ezzel is segíthetik a Dr. Nagy László Alapítvány céljait.

Jelentkezési határidő: 2024. március 8.